About Me

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I am a restless individual. I can't be in something for too long. At some point, I'll be bored. A feeling I'm not comfortable hanging around with. I've always wanted to be a writer. But I can't write as often as I want. And sometimes, words are not that good to me when I need them to be. So now, I tell my story through my photographs. I have a secret love affair with photography. There are things that are just best seen than told. I am independent. I don't appreciate people influencing or telling me what to do/say. I can decide and speak for myself, thank you. I am a traveler. I am constantly somewhere else, either in reality or in fantasy.

July 27, 2008

it's about time

After being detached from the world for a month or so, I finally reconnected with it! And I have to say, I did miss it! Really. Actually, I have been missing it for quite awhile now. I guess it just wasn’t enough yet to make me do something about it. But yesterday, I felt I was ready. Hello world!

For a week or so I have been bugged by the thought of going out. I specifically miss the clubbing scene. Booze. Dancing. Letting lose. Feeling tipsy. Crazy friends. And just having one hell of a night. I know I have said before that I have ‘graduated’ from that kind of gimik. Perhaps being confined in the 4 walls of my house makes me wanna break out from it. My only connections to the outside world are radio and tv. There are a lot of parties happening out there. While I’m stuck here, with my books. Sad. But at least I’m prioritizing. Hahaha So what I would do is just to dance it out. It started with nodding the head, then the trunk with some hand movements but when I started adding some footworks with it, damn, I knew it was bad. Pathetically hilarious!

I woke up yesterday determined to go out. Not exactly clubbing but some beer-talk would be fine. I texted Sher and of course she was upto it too. Another thirsty soul. Hehehe we went to Grilla. Just what I need. Chikkas and beer. I’m good. This should last me for another month. Maybe. ;-)

July 23, 2008

life's sense of humor

I am once again in a confused situation. Just when I have conditioned my mind that working here is more practical and more beneficial, with regard to building my career, it’s all put on hold.

This afternoon, I received a phone call from the HR informing me to submit the pre-employment requirements on Friday. She was telling me to bring additional id picture and P100 for initial deposit (because I need to open an account for my payroll). There was no doubt that I was on my way to being officially hired. But before the conversation ended, I had to confirm when they are expecting me to start working. Then she said, August 1 probably. I said no. I put in my application form that I will be available for employment on October still. She said, really? She said as far as she is concerned, this position is for urgent hiring. I went on to reason because I am reviewing for the bar. The exams won’t be done until September. Then she said she had to verify with the department. Then I asked, do I need to wait for you call or I’ll go ahead and submit the requirements on Friday? She said, I have to wait. Boom!

As this whole situation has smeared my plans after the bar with one phone call (inviting me to take an exam), it has again smeared my new plan with another phone call (holding my employment). Hmp! See? This is exactly why when I make up my mind, I stick to it. I don’t like entertaining anything else that can disrupt its peace so to speak anymore. And this one time that I did make an exception, what I’m avoiding to happen actually happens!

Talk about life’s sense of humor. But there is a good side with this. Fate will decide for me. I will be where I should be. So we’ll see.

July 16, 2008

a change of mind

just when i thought i've made up my mind... i had to rethink my decision. the thinker and practical side of me is overpowering my decision. time vs opportunity. this time i think i'll take the opportunity. it's not everyday that a job is offered to your doorsteps right? which means, i'll give opportunity the chance this time. after all, i can always resign if i don't like the work. which means i will still have time to fulfilling my new dream. however, if i do like the work, well, good for me. hahaha

July 12, 2008

a decision

Minutes after the release of the bar result, we were on the way to church. I was slowly digesting the fact I didn’t pass. Strangely, I was calm, almost at peace. I wasn’t hysterical or in rage in my thoughts or even with my emotions. I was staring out of the window, no one was talking. Only the faint sound of the stereo was making the noise. Out of the blue, I blurted out, “Dad, I’m going back to the States after the exams.” And without hesitation, my dad said, “ok.” Just like that, my mind was conditioned where I will be while waiting.

The other day, I had my second interview with Banco De Oro. The position is legal assistant. I actually passed my resume last year and they responded just now. Out of courtesy and to break my routine, I went when they invited me for an exam. The following day, they wanted me back for an initial interview. I was honest in telling them that I am reviewing for the bar and that I will be available in October still. When the HR interviewing me let out a loud “oh” (slightly prolonged) I thought there goes my chance. But really, I went to this interview not because I want the job. I just want to try it and see where it will go. Besides, there’s nothing to lose. So anyway, I ended up doing 2 interviews that day. The first was with the lawyer whom I will be assisting, along with 2 others. Then with the Department Head of the Legal Division. She was telling me the probable next steps. Medical exams and package offer. I was alarmed. In my mind, I was thinking ‘am I hired?’ But I dare not ask. I don’t want to be estopped. I really wasn’t sure if I want this job. The pay is low. The job is like a secretary. There is no spark. I wasn’t excited or even happy about it. I was just pleased I made it this far.

Really the bigger issue is that I am confused. What if the day comes they will call me for the package offer? Will I accept it? How about my going to the States plan? Is the work worth giving it up?

I recall when I told Dette about me going to the States after the bar. I would end it by saying ‘if there’s something here in the Philippines worth staying, I will stay. After all, it’s a long time between now and September.’ I guess this is what I was talking about. Maybe for some, they will read this as a sign that they should stay. I think of it differently. I think this is my assurance that there will always be something waiting for me here.

I mean, really. I have a visa and I didn’t pass the bar exams. It is too much of a coincidence! I may not have this free time again. I mean after the exams. I have 6 months of waiting for the results. If I stay and accept the job, I will be stuck here. But if I go, who knows what’s in store for me out there? Besides, it is only for 6 months. Surely I will come back and start my career in law here. I just want to see what it’s like living there. I want to satisfy my curiosity. When I was there, I was a tourist. We were busy everyday. Trying to visit as much landmarks as we can in a day. Always on a time check. This time, I want to try walking around Times Square not being in a hurry. Stroll around Central Park and sit down on one of the benches watching passers by. Spend hours inside St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Christmas and New Year in a different place. The snow. Nothing grand but the memories I will have will make me smile my entire life.

I have always chased after my dreams. Though I have to admit, living in the States was not one of them. I have always said I will only go there for a vacation. And now that I have, I loved it there and I want more of it. So now it has become one of my dreams, it seems. I have to take this opportunity. This may never come again. I don’t want to live thinking ‘what if’.

I guess I am not confused after all. Seems like I have made up my mind, haven’t I? Hahaha

July 08, 2008


I was recalling my last conversation with my dad when I was in Bacolod. It was the night before my flight. We were at the mall. As my mom, sister and I were going from one shop to another, my dad sat down on one of the benches placed in the hallway. I decided to sit down beside him. We started talking. And then we reached the bar topic. I cannot recall how it started but I remembered him saying at one point that until that day, he could not believe I didn’t pass. He continued on to saying maybe I was lacking one element.

I was surprised to hear him say that. I took it positively though. Strangely, I was not defensive and retorted something. I was quiet. But it was all a blur now how things came about after that remark. My dad is not a vocal person. We are similar in that way. If we can hold our thoughts down, we would. And the fact that he shared his sentiments to me means he meant it. And perhaps he was bothered by it. It has been 3 months and my dad still couldn’t believe I didn’t pass! This is a big deal! And to think I have accepted and moved on already. But he is still in the state of shock, I dare say. What hurts is that I can’t do anything about it. I can’t even offer an explanation as to why. All I have to say is, “It is not yet for me.”

It got me thinking. What would my life have been if I passed? Would it be as I used to imagine it? Glamorous? Lucrative? The works? Would I even like it? You know, I haven’t really thought of those things after the results. When Bill Clinton did an interview with Oprah, she asked him, “Don’t you ever miss being in the White House?” and he replied saying, “a day spent on thinking of doing something you can’t anymore is a day wasted.” I was like, “Amen, Bill! Amen!” So maybe that’s why I didn’t think about the “what if” part. It would be just like adding insult to injury I guess. There is nothing I could do about it now. It is finished. And it is not like dreaming of it would make it a reality, wouldn’t it? So there. I didn’t think about it then, and I am not about to start now. I am all about the future. The positive things slowly unfolding because of my delay.

Going back to what my dad said about the missing element, maybe I lost my focus. My thoughts were way ahead of me. I didn’t live it day by day. I was so in a hurry to get it over and done with. Because in my mind, at the finish line, a big signboard with flashing lights which read “ATTY.” was waiting. I was so eager. Maybe I was held back. My focus was on getting the “Atty.” not getting into the profession.

I am realizing now that everything has to go through a process. There are no short cuts for long term plans. I know that now. Some of my friends, who passed, haven’t really jump started their careers yet. Maybe I had to learn from them and see that there is no fast-forward button in life, whether you have a title or not. That in facing the real world, you have to have real expectations. That everyone has to start somewhere.

July 04, 2008

brandon is sick

Around lunch time, mom texted me telling me that Brandon has a fever. he was doing fine when i left. i asked mom 'why?' then went on saying maybe because i left? and she said she thinks so too.

amazing! isn't that supposed to happen only between mother and child? hahaha but then again, i treat Brandon as my own. Except that i don't like doing the dirty job of motherhood. dealing with poop and vomit. im disgusted easily so i can't stand it.

when Brandon was born i was a freshman law student. he would be my breather. we are left in the house most of the days. i actually had no choice but to play with him. i didn't want him to be too associated with his yaya. i play with him, i make him cry by teasing him sooo hard, i discipline him and sometimes spoil him too. i guess, more than anything he sees me as his playmate and his rival.

our relationship has balance. i could be goofy around him but at the same time he respects my authority over him.

i love that kid. and me coming home, spent time with him and then to leave again, it probably made him sick. because he misses me as much as i miss him. well, im sure he'll be fine soon.

a trip back home

5 days. I got to come home. It was a brief but very recharging time for me. I have been reviewing for 2 ½ months before i came home. Although my sister and folks have been coming to Manila every now and then, it just doesn’t feel the same. So when there was a window to my schedule, i knew i had to fly home.

Saturday. I took the afternoon flight because i had a civil law mock bar in the morning. Lucky for me, i didn’t feel i had to rush the exams because i had to catch my flight. There was ample time. On the way to the airport, i had run down my ‘to do’ and ‘not to do’ things. I can feel my heart smiling. Even though the cab was very hot, i wasn’t pissed. I just want to arrive in the airport as fast as possibly can. I didn’t like the pilot. He had a lousy take off and touch down. Coming down from the airplane, i saw my sister (doing her job). Then my mom (shouting from the fence!). Waiting for my baggage, i was getting impatient. It took like forever for my luggage to come out. Then finally i was steping out of the airport. As i look around for them, i heard my little devil calling out to me. Then he rushed and gave me a hug. I miss that little guy (he’s not so little anymore though). He started telling me stories. And it has not stopped since. He won’t even allow me to talk to dad or mom. He would tell me to keep quiet and listen to him. Such a bossy kid. We had dinner at Chicken House. It was just us, sister, bro-in-law and Brandon. Mom and dad had to attend a dinner for a cause. The little guy eats rice now! Hooray! He’s favourite is the bbq at chicken house. Went home. Felt good. I missed home. I didn’t even get the chance to go up my room and change because Brandon dragged me to my parents’ room to show off his dvds. He wanted me to choose. So we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks. As usual, he would sing and recite the lines. He has a good memory. But when the dvd cronked, we went up. He wanted to sleep in my room. But his mom didn’t allow him. Sadly and with pouting lips, he said, “Mommy won’t let me sleep in your room.” Cute! So i had to carry him to their room. And he gave me many kisses and lingering hug. I really do miss the kiddo.

Sunday. We lounged around the house. Dad was at Victorias for a Shooting Competition. The moment he woke up, he directly went to my room. I could hear him calling me. I was downstairs having coffee. So from then on he never let me out of his sight. We stayed at our hammock. Apparently, it is his favourite place now. then House of the Dead. we were inseparable. Hehehe in the afternoon, we went to hear mass. Then dine at Red Moon. A newly opened Chinese Restaurant. Turned out, dad knows the owner. Anyway, food was good and reasonable. 2 very important factors for restaurants in Bacolod. Then we went home. Mao changed Brandon into his PJs. He was supposed to let him sleep first but he woke up after awhile. So we had to talk to him telling him that his dad and mom are taking me somewhere. Surprisingly he said yes. So the 3 of us went to Cafe Bob’s for coffee. Had a fun chat and laugh. Family thingy updates. Plans for the future. We had a great time.

Monday. Errand day in the morning. In the afternoon, we went to Lopues’ (one of the oldest chains of supermarkets). Mom did the groceries and bought some stuff for her folks whom we will visit thereafter. When we were done with it, it started to rain. I had to rush and get the car. Halfway my run, my sandals’ strap came off!!! Argh! Imagine that! I was hopping with one foot. But it was difficult because of the slope road. So i had to walk bear foot. Seriously! (I had not used that sandals for several months now. it has become brittle.) Good thing there were no people around. Otherwise, i would have melted with humiliation! It was raining hard. But mom decided we head to her folks place still. I was driving bare foot on one foot! hahaha then my mom had to borrow my lola’s slippers so i can come inside. we were there very briefly. On the way home, i was driving with bare feet! Hahaha I have never done this before. Even while i was practicing how to drive. I had my tennis shoes on. funny. I guess there is always a first time. After changing, we headed out to Robinson’s (the first decent mall we had). It was almost 5pm and of course, my mom was getting hungry. (she always is. It’s like her tummy has a clock telling her its time to eat. J) we ate at shakey’s. Dad came to meet us there. We left Brandon at his haven, at a computer shop. Then we went malling. Around 8pm, my folks were going to SM to change something they bought from Ace Hardware. My sister and i went there too. Went malling separately with our folks. I was able to buy shoes! Well, i sort of had to. Because the sandals i changed into was also getting brittle. And my sis said i shouldn’t be wearing it anymore!hahaha this what happens if you wear too much slippers.

Tuesday. I had a short list of errands because i am meeting my girl friends (Tricia and Dette) for lunch. I was late. Mom tagged along again. Destroying my schedule. Hehe we ate at Trattoria Uma. Pizza and Pasta. Just the combination i missed. I realized, i have been eating so much home-cooked meals that i miss dining out. As usual, it was filled with chickas and laughter. Good thing there was few people there. We were kindda boisterously laughing! Then we transferred at Cafe Uma for coffee. We just never ran out of things to talk about! Imagine that. 2 months we haven’t seen each other. But we do have constant communication. (thanks to suncel) but some things are meant to be told in person. It has a different effect. we went to Trish’s house because she gave us santol atsara. She made the recipe herself. It was delicious! Mom couldn’t stop eating. Dad liked it too! By the time dinner is done, so was the atsara! Thanks again Trish! ;-)

Wednesday. I dropped off Brandon to school. Then i went back to my mom’s folks’ place. But i did a side trip to my cousin’s house first. Chikka for almost an hour then to my lola’s house. She wanted me to withdraw her pension for her. I arrived just in time because she was getting ready to buy their viand for lunch. (she’s 84. But she travels alone and has a good memory. Only thing though, she’s deaf. And she doesn’t like using her hearing aid.) so she went with me. Then i accompanied her in buying the stuff she needs. By 11, i was in a hurry because i have to pick up Brandon in school. i arrived early. He wasn’t dismissed yet. Goodie. Then our duo went to drop off the broken electric fan at the shop. Then went to Gaisano because he wanted to eat Takoyaki. But there was none, so he opted for pizza instead. We also bought Frozen Milo for him and Nescafe Ice for me. Then we head home. After lunch, he wanted to sleep in my room. We made a pinky promise that he will sleep after watching one show. Of course, he didn’t! Well, not until his mom arrived. As for me, my last stretch of errand, went to La Salle to pay my Bar filing fees. Saw Pyok and some other batchmates at the law office. Tricia met up with me there too. Chikka galore again. Then when i was about to leave, it rained very hard. i was parked outside (since i don’t have a sticker anymore) so i couldn’t leave just yet. I decided to go to the law lib. I was pretty sure i’ll see more batchmates there. Paolo T. was there. One of our dudes. Chikka too. Then Carmela arrived. More chikka! Gino came and joined us too for awhile. We caught up for an hour or so. It was fun. To see old friends and talk about people we know. Hehehe Just when the rained stopped, i went to Rob to meet up with my family. We were having dinner there. We ate at HongKong Kitchen. Another Chinese Restaurant i love. It was a sumptuous meal. Then head home. Packed my things.

Thursday. Flight back to Manila. 9:55am via Cebu Pacific.

I think i already found what was missing. I faced my demon and conquered it. I think now, i am ready to battle the last 3 months (including the bar month). It’s a clean slate. No more wondering. Nothing to hold me back...